I wrote this blog about comments opposing the LePage budget being scrubbed from the internet. A few hours later I went to update it to find that my own blog post had been scrubbed from my own blog, but clearly not inadvertently through my own actions as the UPDATE function was still displaying. So I documented what was happening with screen shots and included them in my post about comments opposing Lepage's budget being scrubbed from the web- how post modern is that! Meanwhile it appears that my post no longer display on twitter using #mepolitcs and #maine. So much for free speech in the former state of Maine, which I contend has been transformed into the corporation of Maine through a series of statutory overwrites of the Maine State Constitution. So click and read while you can. If the link to the post says it does not exist try clicking on the HOME button- that seems to be more durable. And ask your self why my voice is so important to silence.